ABA Services
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific method focused on understanding and improving human behavior across all ages. ABA employs evidence-based interventions to increase skills, reduce challenging behaviors, and enhance quality of life. With ABA services, specific behaviors are objectively defined, targeted, and assessed. We create an individualized plan to determine replacement behaviors, training procedures, and maintenance strategies. Typical program areas include communication, self-care, social skills, self-monitoring, and challenging behaviors. Overall, ABA aims to improve an individual's life and the lives of those closest to those we serve.
Children with Autism​
-Behavior assessments
-Social groups
-In-home and clinic based settings
-Early intervention services
-Coaching families
-School consultations
​Adults With ID/DD
​-Caregiver interviews
-Records review
-Community safety
-Skill building
-In-the-moment staff training
-Interdisciplinary meetings
​Seniors with Dementia
-Direct observation ​
-Collaborate with medical team​
-Techniques to increase communication​
-Noncompliance programs​
-Resources for families, staff
-Maintenance and generalization
​Trainings & Workshops
- What is ABA
- Autism 101
- Dementia 101
- Measurement & Assessments
- First Line Behavior Interventions
- Programs For Social Skills
-Trivia Night
-Strawberry Festival
-Garage Sale
-Fruit Route and Community Supported Agriculture
Additional Information
-Summer Camp
-Resources Across The Lifespan
-ALFA Foundation
-Recycle Program for Clients
-Volunteer Opportunities
-Trinity Services, Inc

What To Expect When You Start With Abilities
Free consultation meeting to determine basic needs, concerns, eligibility, fees discussed, insurance verified

Background history, caregiver interview, goals developed, direct observations, measurement procedures

Develop a comprehensive plan, collaborative meetings, ongoing caregiver training, program review

Goals met with continued monitoring , final report, discussion of closing services

What Is A Functional Behavior Assessment
Applied Behavior Analysis has proven to be safer than medications to manage challenging behaviors (disruptive vocalizations, aggression, elopement). In ABA services, interventions are based on behavior assessments that identify the environmental reasons for challenging behaviors, including the antecedent triggers and rewarding consequences. These assessments are called Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs). A thorough assessment will allow our team to determine the best interventions to manage behaviors and identify proactive strategies.
Our team
Completes caregiver questionnaires and direct observations in all settings
Create individualized plan with short and long term goals
Identify WHY challenging behaviors occur and
Identify WHY specific appropriate behaviors do not occur
Develop, apply, train, and monitor behavior plans
Identify and train proactive strategies to prevent challenging behaviors in the future
Test and coach reactive strategies when challenging behaviors occur
Focus on leisure and social skill programs
Train families, paid caregivers, teachers or counselors, direct care providers in intervention plan
Consults via face-to-face, phone, video conference
Preventing behavior and psychology symptoms can reduce psychoactive medication prescriptions, re-hospitalizations, and caregiver burnout. Preventing challenging behaviors can lead to healthier, stronger caregivers and families for our communities.

More Resources
Concepts, principles, science
Features of ABA interventions
The practice of ABA as a profession
ABA Intervention guidelines
From the Behavior Analysis Certification Board
Brief overview of underlying philosophy of behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior, and applied behavior analysis.
From the Behavior Analysis Certification Board
Brief overview of underlying philosophy of behaviorism, experimental analysis of behavior, and applied behavior analysis.
Responsible conduct
Responsibility to clients
Assessing behavior
Behavior change programs
As supervisors
"Applied behavior analysis...must be applied, behavioral, and analytic; in addition, it should be technological, conceptually systematic, and effective, and it should display some generality.
Baer, Wolf, Risley, Coined "Applied Behavior Analysis"